mardi 4 décembre 2007

Merci à tous !

Merci à tous les visiteurs et les exposants de la douzième édition du Forum Horizons Maroc.

Au nom de toute l'équipe de l'AMGE-Caravane !

8 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Well done, great job! But the questions remains how many of you/us want really to go back home?

Equipe Forum Horizons Maroc a dit…

Well we'll se about that soon.
We have been asking that question ("Would you rather return to Morocco ?" )through our visitors survey.
We still need to compute and analyse the results, but keep in touch, we'll publish the results here.

Anonyme a dit…

that's the same anony as above:

It would be great to have some feedbacks from those who already made the move. are they happy? are they having what they expected at the beginning? would they consider a move back abroad, what are the pro/cons of working in morocco compared to what they had or what they experienced while they were abroad.

I suggest an action towards this, either on your website, during the forum or any other better way you may suggest.

Anonyme a dit…

Yes, feedback is much needed.
We-Moroccans in the US- consider the option to return but it seems that we become out of place. Because we have American experience and degrees rather than Europeans.
the US is way more different in Business process that the old continent and this should be valued. Moroccan employers should engage this portion of the population as we have different views and maybe more effective ways of getting the job done.
We ask for more interest in the part of the Moroccan government and the EMployers.
More incentives won;t hurt either.
FHM: how about landing in Washington DC next year? you have no idea how many highly educated Moroccans are here with mind-blowing jobs....
if you want to: email me at:

Anonyme a dit…

Here is another invitation from london, interested let me know at

Anonyme a dit…

It won't be that possible to have FHM on DC. Maybe you guys should try to gather motivated moroccans out there and get your own US FHM . We would be glad to give you a hand then ! :)

Equipe Forum Horizons Maroc a dit…

Feedback is indeed important. A survey on "Moroccans and the reasons/difficulties/etc of their return" is scheduled already, in partnership with Jeune Afrique, who even might publish it.
It will take a couple of months to finish and analyze, so don't be too hasty :)

About American diplomas: I've had at least half a dozen contacts with people in the US or in Canada who'd actually decided to come to the Forum. That's very good news for us, and also for DRH, who were much impressed whenever I mentionned it.
So keep coming, there's space and demand for you !!

As for a fair in the US or anywhere else, that's just impossible :( We're all living in France, and it represent a whole lot of work, truly. Organizing somehting abroad, it just not possible.
However, if you are interested by such a project, why don't you build a team, we'd be more than happy to help and share our experience.
If you're on Facebook, you may also wanna check our AMGE-North America group, which is just about to begin its first activités. Maybe a way to find and build a great team.
Keep us informed, whatever you do.


Anonyme a dit…

"AMGE-North America group, which is just about to begin its first activités" LMAO ... Forget about the accent. We're not that cocoricos !
Yeah, let us know what you're about to do. We all know someone studyin there, it can help building a real network, which, i think, is the first thing to do. And we'll be glad also to send you Lina by UPS if you need her ! Hahah ... just kiddin' Linou ! :P